Thursday 18 May 2017


This week we have been learning about Australian Animals. We have loved learning about platypuses, koalas and kangaroos but our favourite was the wombat. We will have some of our fabulous writing up for open night and you can read some of our sentences about Australian Animals. We did some writing about all 4 animals and then selected the one that we thought was our best writing to publish. We also did a directed drawing of a koala. Miss Mac gave us step by step instructions. Everyone did such fantastic listening and they all look fabulous. Here is a look at the first step- the drawing. You will see the finished product hanging up in the corridor this week. 


We cannot wait to show you our hip hop dance moves that we have been learning in our 'STOMP- dance classes'. Here is a sneak peak. We have learnt 5 dances, and we are performing one for the parents on Open Night next week.

Wednesday 10 May 2017


We love our mums so much. Prep C loved drawing their mum and adding special details such as their mums favourite coloured clothes, jewellery, hair style etc. They then drew love hearts using pastel and painting patterns using colours they thought their mums would love. They told Miss Mac all the things they loved about their mums and stuck them all over their art work. And then of course there was the special glitter paper hearts. We love shiny, glittery things in Prep C! We hope that you loved them, along with your special card. 

Thursday 27 April 2017


This week we are learning about bugs as part of our Integrated topic. We went out to the school vegetable garden and we went on a hunt for bugs. It had been raining so we saw so many snails, even tiny baby snails. Most of the other bugs were hiding but we did see some flies, butterflies, slugs and lots of worms and snails.


Monday 24 April 2017


We made kites with our buddies this week as we have been learning about the 'k' sound. We had to draw a plan of our kite first and then make our good copy look like our plan. We were told the materials we could use before we planned and we had to work together with our buddies to get the kite made so that we could fly it together. Here we are with our kites and our buddies.

Monday 17 April 2017


On the last day of Term 1 we celebrated a school tradition ' Super Egg'. Each student filled their plastic egg and sealed it back together. Prep C eggs were filled with toys, marbles, play dough, wishing stones, dolls, smarties, concrete, batteries- and that is not even all. Some students even decided to decorate the outside with stickers and nail polish. When it was our turn we lined up and raced our eggs down the 'Super Dome'. The winner from each class went in the final race against the 'Super egg'.

Sunday 9 April 2017


We just love all sorts of arts and crafts in Prep C.  We made Easter Bunnies this time and they are all so different and special even though we followed step by step instructions. 

Thursday 30 March 2017


We had fun this morning digging for 'treausre' in frozen bicarb, glitter and water blocks. We added vinegar to the iceblocks and used a spoon to dig for the hidden gems inside. We listened carefully and heard little fizzing noises as the ice blocks melted slowly. We had so much fun and we even got to keep our treasure! Afterwards we wrote stories about digging for treasure and shared them with the class.

Monday 6 February 2017


We made special, fancy hats to celebrate our first day of Prep. We showed Miss Mac how we cut and paste. Here we are wearing them on our way out of our classroom to greet our parents on the F.F.G.


It was an exciting first day of school for the new Preps at Kerrimuir. We played lots of games to get to know one another, we did some counting, some art and craft, read some stories and settled into our new school.

Tuesday 31 January 2017


Welcome to Prep C. We thought we better give you all a tour of our classroom. We have a special book corner, a place for our take home readers, a place for our drink bottles and even dots so that we know where to sit. We have 5 computers and even some Ipads that we share with the other junior grades. We know what we need to do in the morning and we unpack our bags all by ourselves. We change our readers and get ready for the day ahead. Prep C do the calendar each morning counting the number of days at school, the weather, the days of the week and then we start our morning off with some songs. Songs about all sorts of things really- counting, shapes, telling the time, months and seasons and even some nursery rhymes and counting songs like 5 little ducks and 10 green bottles. We love to sing together and it is such a fun way to learn. We do reading, writing, maths and sound work each day, as well as arts and craft, fine motor fun and science. Here is a little look at our classroom.