Thursday 27 April 2017


This week we are learning about bugs as part of our Integrated topic. We went out to the school vegetable garden and we went on a hunt for bugs. It had been raining so we saw so many snails, even tiny baby snails. Most of the other bugs were hiding but we did see some flies, butterflies, slugs and lots of worms and snails.


Monday 24 April 2017


We made kites with our buddies this week as we have been learning about the 'k' sound. We had to draw a plan of our kite first and then make our good copy look like our plan. We were told the materials we could use before we planned and we had to work together with our buddies to get the kite made so that we could fly it together. Here we are with our kites and our buddies.

Monday 17 April 2017


On the last day of Term 1 we celebrated a school tradition ' Super Egg'. Each student filled their plastic egg and sealed it back together. Prep C eggs were filled with toys, marbles, play dough, wishing stones, dolls, smarties, concrete, batteries- and that is not even all. Some students even decided to decorate the outside with stickers and nail polish. When it was our turn we lined up and raced our eggs down the 'Super Dome'. The winner from each class went in the final race against the 'Super egg'.

Sunday 9 April 2017


We just love all sorts of arts and crafts in Prep C.  We made Easter Bunnies this time and they are all so different and special even though we followed step by step instructions.